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Best practice tips
Check what you know
Did you know?
- Our most recent data shows that, on average, 14%* of all fatalities and serious injuries on the Strategic Road Network include weather conditions as a contributing factor to the incident.
- Of these, 68%* occurred in the rain (four times more than any other adverse weather condition). *Source STATS19 Road Safety Data
- When there is reduced visibility, always switch on regular headlights. Do not rely on daytime running lights as they may not illuminate the rear of your vehicle.
Best practice tips
Top tips for driving in heavy rain and floods:
Driving fast through water is dangerous, inconsiderate and can end up being very expensive. It only takes an egg cupful of water to be sucked into an engine to wreck it.
- Leave twice as much space from the vehicle in front.
- If steering feels light due to aquaplaning, ease off the accelerator and slow down gradually.
- Avoid driving into flood water that is moving or more than 10cm (4 inches) deep.
- After driving in wet conditions, test brakes as soon as possible.
Top tips for driving in strong winds:
Strong winds can be a dangerous hazard when driving and can impact the ability to steer the vehicle and remain on a straight path of travel.
- Keep both hands on the steering wheel and your speed low.
- Prepare for strong winds and gusts on exposed stretches of road.
- Leave extra room around cyclists and motorcyclists as they may veer across the road.
- Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, especially high-sided vehicles, and caravans.
- Remain alert to possible falling tree branches and other debris.
- Plan your journey carefully, checking weather and traffic bulletins regularly.
Top tips for driving in fog:
Fog is one of the most challenging conditions to drive in as it dramatically reduces visibility and makes the road ahead difficult to read.
Drivers who fail to exercise care when driving in fog can be held liable for injuries and other damages in a resulting vehicle collision.
- Maintain a greater distance from the vehicle in front, increase the gap to at least 4 seconds.
- Keep your windscreen clear and demisted.
- Use lights where visibility is reduced to 100 metres (328 feet) or roughly the length of a football pitch.
- Don’t rely on following the taillights of the vehicle in front, as these can give a false sense of security.
- If visibility is very limited, consider the necessity of your journey.

This information sheet is free for employers to download and distribute to their drivers.
It may not be amended in any way | Copyright 2022 National Highways.